Speaker's Profile
Saurabh Daware
Senior Frontend Engineer, Razorpay
About Me
Senior Frontend Engineer @Razorpay, Creator of Text-to-Handwriting, Abell, Projectman.
Loves web tooling and building random projects ✨
About the session
In the World of JS Frameworks, It’s an HTML Framework!
What if we had HTML instead of JavaScript at the center of frontend libraries? Would it be more performant? Would it be more beginner friendly?Presenting an open-source HTML framework I built that lets you add custom routing, React (and other framework) components, NPM libraries, Vite plugins, and much more while keeping the setup close to the vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS setup that we all know of.Spoiler Alert: Building static-sites is going to get more fun!
07th Oct, 2023
02:00 PM - 02:30 PM